Clayologie Polymer Clay


The most important component of preparing your clay is to condition it properly. This results in a stronger medium that is crack free, flexible, and durable with a smooth appearance.

Play with the clay to soften it up. Roll, squish, stretch, warm and knead the clay until pliable. Use your hands as the heat will help to soften the clay.

Different colour pigments can cause variable consistencies noticeable in different colours. Certain colours may well require more effort to condition than others. A properly conditioned piece of clay will have an even colour, no cracks and will have elasticity. It doesn’t have to be very soft to be conditioned.

Some of the pigments used in our clay might temporarily leave a residue on your hands, so it is advisable to start working with the lightest colour to the darkest. This saves you from repeatedly washing your hands. If your hands are soiled it will show up on the clay. Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid contamination before you work with light coloured clay. A quick cleanup in between can be done with baby wipes or a sugar scrub.


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